Simple Steps to Live Life Fully

Only one life we have. We can make it beautiful, live it fully. Life is simple and rewarding, if we keep it simple. Some simple steps bring a sea of positive changes in life. The first one is - Physical Exercise and Meditation and the next one is - Proper Diet Physical exercise : It has two parts - Walking and jogging Yoga and Mediation You may think that in our busy schedule how to do so many things. Don’t worry, it is simple. Half an hour walking (including 5-10 mins jogging) and half an hour yoga and meditation is enough to achieve a balanced and healthy life. You can do this 1 hr exercise in the morning or can divide it in two parts - half hour in morning and half hour in the evening according to your convenience. To start with, you can watch the following video for some guidance on - Yoga and Pranayam: Guided Mediation: Proper Diet: Are you eating simply to satisfy your appetite or to make your taste buds happy? Or are you eating in order ...