Healthy Eating

Are you eating simply to satisfy your appetite or to make your taste buds happy? Or are you eating in order to take better command of your life? One generation ago, individuals wouldn't dream of picking up whatever junk food they could get in order to feed their faces. Nowadays, we do that so very casually. “I'm hungry” commonly means “I want a burger or Pizza, likely with chips on the side and some cola.” And, “I am on a diet” means “I am on a unplanned low calorie diet which will deprive my body of nutrients and vitamins.” It's genuinely no wonder that we are facing so many health issues today. Our health is an indicator of what we consume. The sorry condition that we're living in isn't an individual problem; it's a global issue. The world as a whole is eating incorrectly. Energy is needed for the various functions like maintenance of growth, daily activities, exercise and many other movements or functions that are often taken for granted. These...