Healthy Eating

Are you eating simply to satisfy your appetite or to make your taste buds happy? Or are you eating in order to take better command of your life?
One generation ago, individuals wouldn't dream of picking up whatever junk food they could get in order to feed their faces. Nowadays, we do that so very casually. “I'm hungry” commonly means “I want a burger or Pizza, likely with chips on the side and some cola.” And, “I am on a diet” means “I am on a unplanned low calorie diet which will deprive my body of nutrients and vitamins.” It's genuinely no wonder that we are facing so many health issues today.
Our health is an indicator of what we consume. The sorry condition that we're living in isn't an individual problem; it's a global issue. The world as a whole is eating incorrectly. 
Energy is needed for the various functions like maintenance of growth, daily activities, exercise and many other movements or functions that are often taken for granted. These are shared between the two energy systems.
The primary and first to be used energy system is the aerobic system. This system uses oxygen for the function of the muscles and does demand quite a lot from the general body system.
This demand usually increases the rate and depth of breathing and blood supply mainly because of the corresponding increase of the heart rate.
When the body requires more energy which cannot be met due to the elevated need for more oxygen then the body system automatically switched to the anaerobic energy system. This system is able to produce energy without the need to use oxygen.
All this energy is generated through the suitable or correct consumption of foods. The foods consumed dictate the types of energy levels each individual is capable of producing. 
The aerobic system works by breaking down the carbohydrates, fatty acids and amino acids in the foods consumed while the anaerobic system releases energy from the foods stored in the body, usually during intense activity bouts.
It occurs so very frequently - we resolve to go on with a health and physical fitness program with zest and likely much fanfare too; however in the first week of going into the plan, everything peters out.
Why is it that we don’t stick with the diet plans, the morning jogging plans, the physical exercise plans that we make?

And what may we do to ensure we keep going with these plans, for our own sake and for the sake of the individuals that are dependent on us?
The number 1 thing is awareness. We have to learn what foods are correct for us and what are not. We have to go back to training and comprehend what the nutrients are that your body truly wants and in what amount.
The eatwell plate shown above is a ready reckoner for a healthy diet plan.
Following video will also show you a simple diet plan, which you can follow easily-

If we hear about the failure of diets or gym plans all around us, commonly it isn’t their fault. Commonly it is the fault of the individuals who started with much commotion about going through these plans, telling all their acquaintances and co-workers about it, and then didn't abide by those programs.In this eBook, we see how you are able to make your life much more optimal simply by making a point that you eat correctly.

To download the book, click the link - Eating Health
