Meditation is easier than you think

Let me share my views on meditation in a simple way, which I experienced after many years of practice.

To get the full benefit, first we have to understand our mind and body.
Generally we think, I am the body, but actually we have a mind with a body, as the body is controlled by mind.To get good health, we must have a healthy mind first. Now, how to get that ? Very simple - by meditation.

Meditation is relaxing the mind and body. There are various ways to do it. But as we promised to make it simple, the easiest and most effective way is just sit upright, close your eyes, bring focus to your forehead and relax.

How long ? Minimum 15 mins a day, but with little practice, if you can increase up to 1 hr per day, you will reach a point after 30 days, when you start to feel the bliss.

When to do it ? Early morning is best, but any time, suitable for you, when you are undisturbed, can do it.
Keeping the mind still is the key, but of course it is not easy, at the same time not so difficult also if you do it regularly. The interesting thing is, the more you try to keep the mind still and follow various methods the more difficult it will be. Just relax and have faith that it is natural for our mind to calm down if we allow it.
It is natural that during meditation various thoughts will come, just let it come and go, be a spectator of your thoughts, do not get involved. Then gradually you will feel after sometime that thoughts are reducing in number and you will feel a calmness prevail.
This will happen automatically, if you just relax and let it happen and do not try to achieve it.

During meditation be in a receptive mood. Our mind have a natural tendency to concentrate on third eye, the pineal gland, if you let it happen and do not try hard. Just relax, close your eyes, focus on eye brow and it will happen automatically.
Some mental preparation will help.Be grateful for what you have and wish for well-being of all. These two thoughts will calm your mind at the beginning and prepare your mind for meditation.

Then sit relaxed with closed eye and do nothing. After some practice you may feel some sensation in your forehead and temple, but do not pay attention, just relax.
The whole purpose is to recharge the mind by calming it down. Generally our brain get recharged during sleep and repair itself. But this is not enough for our mind, as we constantly bombarded it with negative thoughts like worry, anxiety, tension etc. during our waking hours. This chaos leads to restlessness of our mind and ultimately affects our health also.

Unknowingly we put lot of negative thoughts in our mind, through TV, social media, news paper etc. We start our day by reading news paper or social media and put lot of junk early in the morning, which govern our whole day with negative emotions.
Then what to do ? Should we not read news paper, not log in to social media, not connect with friends and family ? Then it would be as good as going to woods and live like a sage. Is it possible for a common man ?
Take it easy, we can do what we like, but not early in the morning, when mind is fresh and it is the right time to meditate. Just giving yourself 15 mins early in the morning, it will bring lot of positive changes in life.
Regular practice of relaxing the mind through meditation is important than to merely focus on various techniques.

To start with you can take the help of guided meditation in below video -

To learn more please download book - Meditation
