
Prayer:                                                                                                             06/09/2021

Few days back one of my friends post something in whatsapp group about prayer and triggered lot of comments from fellow friends, most of the comments are sarcastic. Few years back I was one of those who put sarcastic comments, so it amused me a lot and inspired me to share my thoughts about this very controversial subject, which I learned from reading many books, some of them are from writings of Swami Vivekananda, Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, Buddhist literature and also many self-help books.

 I’ll put here my understanding of this very interesting subject and anything I've written here, if proven wrong, then it is completely my failure and no literature or books are responsible for that.

Enough for intro, now let’s go straight to the subject where we’ll discuss –

What is prayer? Does it work? If it works then how to pray and most importantly whom to pray? Is it not a superstition? Is it not a tool for extracting money from innocent people? Is it not for weak and lazy people?

What is prayer?

Actually, Prayer is nothing but a commitment which we do to ourselves when we want something. We may think that someone above listens to it and will do something for us and when we get result, we think that our prayer is answered. But, while praying, we commit to ourselves with expectation of positive result and our inner selves the subconscious mind, inspires us to work on it and who does not know that with commitment and effort, there is high probability that most of the time desired result will come.

But if we do not know the fact and think that someone else is doing it for us, there is every possibility that we’ll fall prey to unscrupulous elements and may be robbed of, for which we are only responsible.

Now how to pray?

The best way to get maximum positive result is to pray like – ‘please guide me to achieve this …’ or ‘please guide my son/daughter to achieve this… ‘etc.  During prayer we should not pray directly for something but ask for guidance / help to get into the right path to achieve that. We can ask for anything like – career progress, better relationship, more money, new business idea etc. But just remember, ask for guidance to achieve that. Do it regularly and consistently and see the result, you will be astonished and may find that it works like a miracle. 

Whom to pray?

As the prayer actually goes to subconscious mind, you can pray to anyone on whom you have faith. If you have faith in god pray to god, if not no problem, if you have faith in the universe or higher power which created this universe, pray to that higher power. Just remember you are just activating your subconscious mind which have enormous capability but remain unused for most of the time.


Is it not a tool for weak or lazy people?

Hope till now we can explain that prayer activates the subconscious mind. All the self-help books are trying to propagate with various methods to activate subconscious mind and here we are doing the same thing by prayer. So it will only work for those who can stimulate their mind with complete dedication and faith, which weak or lazy people are not.

Be Humble:

One word of caution, be humble and do not think you are doing it, then you will not get the desired result. Subconscious mind work best in total submission and total faith. So do not act as godman, be humble.

Hope this will help and if a single person get benefit out of it I’ll consider my effort fully successful.







  1. Very good post. But I think it will work for lazy and weak people also as this process in regularity will trigger faith and dedication. But the basic question remains.... Faith in what and dedication to whom? Will discuss


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